Macnaught Hazard Zone Overview
Macnaught MX ExD, Intrinsically Safe, and Simple Safe Flow Meters were designed, certified and approved for most fluid Hazard Zone Atmospheres.
Macnaught Hazard Meters are for clean process fluids and do not measure gases of fluids with solids. Clean Process Liquids only.
The MX Hazard Meter offering provides inline .5% Volumetric Accuracy with .03% Repeatability.
- In Stock Sizes ¼” thru 4” .13 GPH to 320+ GPM
- No Flow Conditioning - put the meter where you want it
- Large in-stock inventory of Hazard Meters and Displays
- Quick response to Hazard Meter inquiries
Receive an Immediate Flow Meter Proposal or Call our Meter Hotline - (813) 896-2710

NFPA 70 NEC Location Classes, Divisions, and Groups
Class I definition: Flammable gases or vapors may be present
Div 1 definition: Ignitable concentrations of hazards exist under normal operation and/or where the hazard Is caused by frequent maintenance or repair work or frequent equipment failure
Div 2 definition: Ignitable concentrations of hazards exist under abnormal operation conditions
Group A: Acetylene
Group B: Hydrogen, Butadiene, Ethylene, Oxide, Propylene Oxide, and Acrolein
Group C: Ethylene, Cyclopropane, Ethyl Ether
Group D: Acetone, Ammonia, Benzene, Butane, Ethanol, Gasoline, Hexane, Methane, Methanol, Naphtha, Natural Gas, Propane, and Toluene
Hazard Zone / Class FAQ
Q: Can I use a piece of equipment approved for use in a Division 1 hazardous location in a Division 2 hazardous location?
A: Yes. If equipment has been approved for use in a Division 1 hazardous location, it can be used in a Division 2 hazardous location, providing it is in the same class and group.
Q: Can equipment approved for a Class I hazardous location be used in a Class II hazardous location?
A: No. Equipment approved for use in Class I hazardous locations cannot be used in Class II hazardous locations.
Q: Are Divisions and Zones equivalent to one another?
A: When comparing Divisions and Zones, Division 2 is equivalent to Zone 2, but Division 1 is equivalent to either Zone 0 or 1
Contact Macnaught USA for approved Hazard Zone Liquid Flow Meters – the leading global manufacturer of specialized Oval Gear & Turbine Flow Measurement Devices.
Receive an Immediate Flow Meter Proposal or Call our Meter Hotline - (813) 896-2710