Macnaught FCM Flow Meter
Macnaught FCM Flow Meters are special-purpose flow devices designed to provide .1% Accuracy in Fuel Consumption Meter Applications.
FCM Meters thrive in harsh environments and work very well in heavy vibration, swirling dust, flying mud, heavy rain or other excessive mobile or stationary conditions. This meter class works with clean filtered fluids only and does not measure gas or liquids with solids present.
The unique magnetic attachment method does away with mechanical fastening and improves substrate mating while significantly reducing connection stress.
Our built-in temperature sensor allows for Diesel Fuel temperature compensation capabilities for maximum accuracy purposes.
Two flow ranges are offered that cover the majority of diesel engine models:
MX12FCM .5-8 GPM
MX25FCM 1.6-9.5 GPM
Minimal Pressure Drop, typically .5 PSI to 2 PSI

The FCM Series is designed for Diesel Fuels of all types and is used in numerous fuel measurement industries including:
- Fracking Engines
- Drilling Platforms – Generator Fuel Measurement
- Mining Trucks
- Logging Equipment
- Gen-Set Fleets
Receive an Immediate Flow Meter Proposal or Call our Meter Hotline - (813) 896-2710